
- > If your answer to Question 1 is yes and your answer to Question 2 is “sample”, you need ICC(2). In SPSS, this is called “Two-Way Random.” Unlike ICC(1), this ICC assumes that the variance of the raters is only adding noise to the estimate of the ratees, and that mean rater error = 0. Or in other words, while a particular rater might rate Ratee 1 high and Ratee 2 low, it should all even out across many raters. Like ICC(1), it assumes a random effects model for raters, but it explicitly models this effect – you can sort of think of it like “controlling for rater effects” when producing an estimate of reliability. If you have the same raters for each case, this is generally the model to go with. This will always be larger than ICC(1) and is represented in SPSS as “Two-Way Random” because 1) it models both an effect of rater and of ratee (i.e. two effects) and 2) assumes both are drawn randomly from larger populations (i.e. a random effects model).

Page 3 - > After you’ve determined which kind of ICC you need, there is a second decision to be made: are you interested in the reliability of a single rater, or of their mean? If you’re coding for research, you’re probably going to use the mean rating.

Page 4 - > We add “,k” to the ICC rating when looking at means, or “,1” when looking at the reliability of single raters.

Page 4 - > After you’ve determined which specificity you need, the third decision is to figure out whether you need a measure of absolute agreement or consistency.

Page 4 - > If using a mean [ICC(#, k)], consistency is typically fine, especially for coding tasks, as mean differences between raters won’t affect subsequent analyses on that data.