- > Figure 3 captures this process: Serendipity emerges when in a given situation, a serendipity trigger is being spotted (Busch, 2020; Busch and Grimes, 2023); individuals act on this trigger, for example, by relating an unexpected observation to an organization’s goal or identity (as- sociation; c.f., Cunha et al., 2010; de Rond, 2014; also see Thomas et al., 1993; Weick, 1995). All potential associations (‘connections between dots’) that are theoretically possible form a latent space of possibility (potentiality). To lead to a valuable outcome in an organizational context, latent value needs to be realized (Busch and Barkema, 2022a). Thus, the potential infiniteness of possibilities ‘collapses’ into a concrete materialization, which in itself opens up new (infinite) latent possibilities (potentiality).