
How might generative text tools be useful in academia?

Last updated Jun 16, 2023 | Originally published Jun 16, 2023

Today I hosted a small lunchtime workshop at the MUN Faculty of Business Administration on the futures of generative text tools in research and teaching.

I presented some early strategic foresight work on signals and trends of change in this space, culminating in four scenarios and some artifacts from these generative text/academia futures.

A 2x2 critical uncertainties matrix showing four scenarios of generative text in research and teaching (Bootleg AI, AI Experts, AI is a joke, and AI everywhere) and some artifacts from the future.

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# Scenarios and artifacts from the future

These scenarios were developed using a conventional critical uncertainties matrix (Ogilvy & Schwartz, 1998).

The first critical uncertainty is acceptability. There are two possible extremes here: either use of AI tools become accepted and rewarded, or they become completely unacceptable and any use is viciously punished.

The second critical uncertainty is exclusivity. AI tools may continue to proliferate, and free-to-access tools may get easier and easier, such that they are ubiquitous. Or, the regulatory pressures, costs, and other issues of offering and maintaining language models mount. Meanwhile, reliability decreases and the learning curve to effectively use these tools increases. This combination of factors make models exclusionary and inaccessible, such that only those who put the effort and resources in can use them effectively.

These two critical uncertainties produce four scenarios:

  1. AI everywhere: acceptable x ubiquitous
  2. Bootleg AI: unacceptable x exclusive
  3. AI is a joke: unacceptable x ubiquitous
  4. AI experts: acceptable x exclusive

Below I briefly discuss each scenario. I’ve also used reverse archaeology to define some artifacts from each future (Candy, 2013).

# AI everywhere

Generative text and related tools become so ubiquitous and acceptable that everyone simply uses them with/for everything.

# Research artifact: From spellcheck to thinkcheck

Spellcheck โ†’ Autocorrect โ†’ Grammarly โ†’ Thinkcheck. AI assistants are embedded in everything and always helpful. So, when you write a dumb paragraph or miss a key reference, the assistant makes sure to check your thinking.

# Teaching artifact: AI acceptance policies

Every student depends on text generation and chatbot interactions. Academic institutions follow suit, eliminating any notion of plagiarism or cheating related to these tools.

# Bootleg AI

In a world where using these tools is difficult and shameful, AI use might be hidden (and hunted out). Practices for covering your tracks after logging into a speakeasy server to use the latest model become part of the skillset of being a user.

# Research artifact: Oral peer review

If research writ large cannot stand AI-based contributions, we might see journals that do everything they can to screen them out. “AI-free journals” start to engage in interviews with authors of submissions as a kind of oral peer review, before submissions are sent out to reviewers for consideration in a future publication.

# Teaching artifact: Oral exams

Oral exams may see a return in this scenario as teachers look for ways to assess student performance free of AI supports.

# AI is a joke

AI use is common, but the output is easily recognized and of laughable quality.

# Research artifact: “Made by humans”

Researchers are proud to label their work as free of any AI influences. (Conversely, researchers who associate themselves with AI use lose reputation.)

# Teaching artifact: AI-free degrees

Universities and colleges compete for the recognition of one another and employers by doubling down on anti-AI teaching and learning. AI-free degrees are certified by a third-party audit and regularly reviewed to assure the world that graduates are both brilliant and have no AI dependencies.

# AI experts

Effective use of AI is very valuable, but very difficult. Teachers and researchers who develop the skillset and and tools necessary to take advantage are able to set themselves apart.

# Research artifact: AI lab assistants

Large labs and researchers with a lot of funding build focused AI research assistants: finely-tuned models that are always up-to-date in the literature, well-versed in their researchers’ data, and are constantly fed new notes and ideas from their team. These tools are able to answer prompts and identify serendipitous connections, becoming invaluable tools for their operators.

# Teaching artifact: Business 2950 โ€” AI Research & Writing

AI becomes so essential that dedicated courses are developed to ensure graduates have the skills necessary to use and learn from these tools. These courses are offered early in undergraduate degrees to ensure that students have the prerequisites to take on more challenging AI-augmented tasks later in their programs.

# Takeaways

# Approaches to assessing with/for AI

In the discussion after the presentation, a framework emerged for assessing AI. Teachers trying to evaluate student work in the AI era have at least these five options: