
# Key questions

  1. Which research streams will engage this “engine” the most?
    • Impossible to say until each road is travelled …
    • The discourses I am most dominant in will be the most impactful
    • The discourses that are easiest to have compelling ideas in will be the most fruitful
  2. Which ones will be most amenable to resourcing? E.g., if I apply money, they can grow?
    • At this stage, resourcing is not likely to have an “effect size”, so to speak — I will have to take on management time in lieu of research time to manage students, and otherwise I need to spend research time to generate activities that I could spend money on
    • Nonetheless see Ideas for experiments in support of my dissertation research for some possibilities — it may be necessary to engage student coders for SLRs or other qualitative data, for instance

# Takeaways