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# Excalidraw Data
# Text Elements
Tests ^LL7XQGrO
Problem ^BZ65nM5M
Design ^OD16C7Z1
Design theory ^ylmBiaHi
Share key concepts and lessons from IS scholarship with others. ^PdsdfXEu
Use generative technologies ethically, effectively, and efficiently to do knowledge work ^QUfoZvay
Identify opportunities for information systems use and define the problem, success conditions, and user requirements for a solution. ^gMiTUvZ7
Describe the Data, Information, Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom hierarchy ^wxl3qM3O
Define various dimensions of data quality ^8h3iVyog
Discuss the implications of Management Misinformation Systems ^fe9uY5at
Identify and describe the different types of information systems used in organizations. ^DYcR5l0J
Discuss the strategic role of information systems in providing a competitive advantage to organizations. ^0jOST5Qo
Apply IS design ethical principles to a case study to determine the most ethical course of action. ^fxvAlj6z
Describe the role of information systems in managing business processes and operations. ^bDPELXXm
Evaluate the impact of digital transformation and digital business strategies on modern organizations. ^kLRoSRfv
How assessments build on one another ^uh7SYVZa
Workload for the students ^JJGDylWA
Anti-AI ^JvOL76Tf
Seminar-style presentations ^kOQSyzZ7
How to evaluate the ITE ^MHZ2HguD
How to incorporate follow-ups ^o56eGPYt
Workload for me ^PiVQjgKL
Exams and follow-ups ^qA3VR5rl
AI-graded essays ^CtnNj1SK
co-learning/learning in public ^ezlD1SDD
teams vs brightspace fora ^i5II6Q6m
Topic quiz ^ID3X33Dy
Topic quiz ^K0LtsStH
Topic quiz ^EH0q7UF6
Topic quiz ^qYJlx3FA
Topic quiz ^DPeSnLkd
Topic quiz ^xXlUzwH3
Topic presentations — slides and selected papers for feedback ^p65SR0xj
Topic presentations ^E0EzTmpX
Reflection on DIKUW for learning ^6wWM3o6l
Complete for engagement marks
Follow-up on 3 questions/concepts from across the exams ^qfyQNwGI
final iteration is all that matters ^ikvixVLp
Assessment ^6kmVHK6Y
Outcomes ^ajUYGig5
0 ^D5hAstS6
Week ^7bFkSRcn
1 ^0fnqcma5
2 ^oChlbKVJ
3 ^ts5YhUwr
4 ^gKU3UGfI
5 ^lp3QkVUl
6 ^nGJzasta
7 ^yq8yKSqh
8 ^EhiZ43im
9 ^Q8ovidaX
10 ^EKZ4rzuu
11 ^4yKFQvdc
13 ^OvFFjOkp
12 ^VN6B15dN
Develop the design of an information system, explaining its features and their mechanisms and affordances, justifying their bases, and providing ways to evaluate system performance. ^I8CFtcF2
Find relevant high-quality evidence for IS theory and practice from scholarship and industry. ^HvMeL5ro
Research important concepts and lessons for IS design, development, and use from published theory and practice. ^sVYwGjKj
10% ^itHrvNhm
25% ^UTTeo7pA
40% ^MmpxP88P
20% ^GmVJhAoh
Design theory for learning ^uLDyJ81j
5% ^BuhFPRF0
Learning Design Theory implementation and use log ^fxwWIPI8
10% ^VDUvMQCn
Design theory for some management problem ^wX0uH3G9